Frequently Asked Questions, Investing, Shares
Q: I want to invest in the share market for the first time, but I’m not sure when is a good time to invest. What is dollar cost averaging and can it help me to get a better return? To answer your question, Dollar Cost Averaging is a technique used for reducing your...
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I need to talk with someone about my finances. What can I do to make sure I get a good Financial Planner? Choosing a financial planner is different to choosing a new pair of shoes for the weekend, or which brand of football to kick around the park with your kids....
Frequently Asked Questions
You have probably both heard the following quotes: “Money doesn’t grow on trees” “Money is the root of all evil” These are well intentioned phrases from well-meaning parents, friends or acquaintances, however for the most part these mindsets are wrong. Anyone old...
First-Home-Buyers, Property, SMSF, Super
The SIMPLE answer to this question is.. no. But as with most financial matters, the real answer to whether you can purchase a house with your super is, it depends. It all boils down to: The purpose of the property purchase How much you have in your superannuation...