Innovative Thinking. Infinite Possibilities.
Our Advice Process
Building and retaining wealth is a simple process. However many of us never learned the simple principles of wealth creation at school and were left to learn by trial and error. At IWM, our proven advice process becomes your fast-track to learning how to build wealth slowly and consistently and how to use your wealth effectively to live a purposeful life.
Your goals drive what you do
The most challenging part of our advice process is uncovering and refining your goals. Author and leadership expert Simon Sinek coined the modern concept of the Golden Circle. This model explains that “what” you do and “how” you do it stems from your purpose, i.e. your “why”.
Your “why” is your primary, driving motivation. Your “why” dictates your behaviors, your lifestyle choices and your career decisions. No one can create a “why” for you as it is your life. It is ultimately your responsibility to discover and articulate your own “why”. IWM can only help you unearth it. Once you have this, our job is to provide you with strategies to achieve the “how” and to help you carry them out.
How We Work With You
We work with you in the 3 stages listed below:
Discovering your “Why”
Your first appointment with us is our Discovery Session. In this meeting we find out:
- What is your financial position
- What are your financial and life goals
- What is important to you
We spend as long as it takes with you to discover what we need to know in order to help you achieve your goals. Before you come to our Discovery Session we ask you to complete a financial health-check and provide us with some of your important financial documents (i.e. tax returns, super statements etc.). This helps us to get all the information we need to make sure we can offer you the right advice for you.
At our Discovery Session you get a clearer picture of your financial situation by presenting all of your information in one place. After this meeting you’ll have more confidence about your financial position, your goals, and have an indication of what strategies you can consider.
Determining the right “How”
Once we determine your specific goals, we begin work on your financial plan. This is called your Statement of Advice.
We offer advice and assistance in the following areas:
- Savings and wealth creation strategies
- Investment management and planning
- Superannuation planning and advice
- Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) advice
- Retirement planning advice
- Estate planning considerations
- Centrelink advice and assistance
- Life insurance and family protection
- Tax planning and tax minimisation
- Lending and debt management advice
- Age care transition advice
- Key personnel insurance and advice
- Business succession planning
- Partner/shareholder insurance and advice
Our commitment is to prepare a financial plan for you which we believe will maximise your financial benefit and meets your goals.
Implementing the “What”
Once we have prepared your financial plan, we arrange to meet with you once again for our Advice Presentation Meeting. During this meeting we will outline our recommended advice and strategy. Our advice will detail the relevant steps required to carry out the advice recommended. At this meeting we will provide you with clear directive on how we will achieve your desired financial and life goals.
Our annual review process
From here on in, we partner with you to ensure you achieve each of your goals. You have access to contact our team for advice and support as any issues arise. We offer our clients a review meeting each year where we review your financial position, make adjustments to your strategy and ensure you remain on track to achieve your goals.